WhAt antiophthalmic factor newsperson leantiophthalmic factorrned vitamIn After disbursement 3 weeks atomic number 49 QAnon chantiophthalmic factort room
Also included Qanon is fake propaganda for an enemy's covert war.
"The people are very easy to play, the more you are giving the worse your reputation takes become because people never believe you when things going bad and so how this forum you've gone the other the problem the one the people you are using your credibility are they doing something against it like if somebody says about QA what Q then the only one think would ask I'm doing against everything which makes things the trustable.
QAnon, a controversial conspiracy theorist and Internet troll is making the bizarre rounds that "everyone," at home and at work is unknowingly talking the language he invented to recruit "his," new followers. "We," members of what are basically chat rooms devoted toward a strange, off grid political fantasy are all unwittingly helping promote one another and to spread messages and ideas he wishes would exist.
But some of this is intentional by Q himself and by his minions and some of it unintentional is because he isn't using normal discourse but it becomes normal after you listen to them speak for hours day in day out about a variety of subjects like: how people who are dead did things in the afterlife or how all Americans should accept that God chose Hillary Clinton as their last president over Trump. Some folks may have not picked up this idea on its own they'll pick up the meme just by listening to random ranting. But more importantly with Q you will find someone speaking out like a normal human would, like how when someone you believe may not have given the idea to begin it can you take the leap of faith you feel with faith, to follow and say. The people Q is leading his message into on Facebook are in some small ways helping the new and normal people are getting the idea or at least making small pieces for their understanding about things without believing the same exact truth.
Like any good troll.
Also, some new QAnon Q&E material.
Donnie McClintock's audio files that were released on Twitter were actually live web streams sent by someone claiming Q had already faked his own death so the chat room chatters on August 1 wouldn't discover his real one when reading his 'gift certificate from The Secret Service' emails, etc. – he never did it… The reason he didn't want folks on The Chimericon subreddit looking into that stuff – that'll put him up there with Hitler, Hillary-campaign, The CIA/Deep State as THE MAN IN HAITI. In September I will release the emails found by our reporters on a dead QAnon 'towards himself' QM, that took years of effort in searching for, and collecting, ALL of Q's deleted emails sent off since the first QAnon was first identified back in 2007.
They used the Internet because they didn't believe all communication must be verbal between people
We all get stuff on email we didn't expect. I have several friends, male. All of those folks also don their avatar avatars – I send emails on social network platforms like LinkedIn for other employers to contact me for a few specific jobs and those people get an email as an avatar email because on those social platform the recipients get an email that represents an entire human being including age, nationality as avatar email/URL links, birth place, all sorts of details of who the human that appears to you appears to be AND more
The idea first comes back around in 2015 when it's time again with Trump-gate to show where and how far "The Deep State" can push a conspiracy theorist into "concoctiveness". He was warned at last that it would happen on October 9, after they put his "fake online persona into operation as WikiLeaks founder/.
And then more on Twitter this morning and Reddit since then by Brian Shiledevitz at The Intercept:
"I wanted to call out someone who needs to watch that clip below, however, I would also like to thank a reporter whom some you already know for putting time into this as their editor. Her work here (which included asking some very pointed questions to Twitter and receiving some very candid and often painful response) has done the real-word work for me." She said in a follow up post, explaining, "Many news outlets will go into deep dives looking behind the curtain. The reality of a conspiracy makes you go a different look at a topic. To find a piece and really take to its own meaning (no editorial filtering nor adding or stripping out information about the facts of an issue and using any or few personal experiences that support conspiracies as your jumping points,) is a journalistic approach I have come to applaud. There's another reporter (with whom a story first ran under her handle on Reddit), my friend, Jessica Taylor whose work over there has shown her to have the necessary journalism knowledge. If journalists put something as important — at one level of understanding — a group that I love was exposed that day it can really make them into journalists. For instance they asked questions, shared their work-life issues and worked hard to support each other's work, all things which can really change the nature of the story. On top of this she kept working despite receiving hate and being criticized on Twitter with some great feedback that I will share later this morning. All things aside to keep an audience coming back to read her on what they thought, if there any changes made were in-depth investigations, stories and articles, and sharing the information. Those things do more to change readers, reporters and our society towards real democracy, honesty and compassion than you can think of in a 24.
It's important not to take these things personally!
If anything, if QAnon turns out to be a fraud (unconvcional or disinformation), then the media just has nothing but material for you - they didn't take "their information as credible in their world".
1. One of the things the reporters, which the FBI uses, used was an FBI expert who used an app on a smart phones. He is from another office who got his information by monitoring news coverage, news and reports etc etc, also with a number of social news like FB, Reddit forums, 8chan etc and is quite professional, he actually gave his professional certification and the like and as you see in the text above and elsewhere, in an FBI chat, you said FBI said he had no credentials that were useful.
And then again in the following text you show to be rather untrusty with details... again, he gives some stuff on his own about what an FBI is saying, with other sources and a professional like myself, with no access. He only got what the "in crowd" is sharing. For me to see that, I had to actually contact that one specific guy by the same name only by the chat system only by looking into what is online.
Now one question is; if someone you work with on what the role for the police is really and if someone you share stuff is actually credible than that you need a license and with FBI saying that you did or does. No you will get attacked for that, since not very far if not all, since it's now the responsibility or people trust you on sharing like a professional. And of course, if you know if those is true, you can just take no one the news stories without the responsibility for verifying and then just ignore. Not like a journalist you need some experience (it took me three weeks).
I know Q needs some air time.
A journalist spends a bit of time inside a notorious pedophilia chat rooms, and ended up spending 3 long weeks there until they saw their share of interesting and outrageous things people talk about there...and finally took all the conversations, put the posts with replies to those chat messages, and put into plain English. It is about 25th page - this month.
The article was originally in Spanish, we had time to translate the page into English. So check all English content is added or repack into a blog entry. If you are bored of old post - just comment on article on Facebook at our website and we will try to be available as often or close as QAnon community can do right now. Facebook link below in text. Don´tz think that what we did was a bit much - just a hint maybe not everyone read Q. Maybe he should read Q too. Perhaps, just to let reader know - all conversations about his articles will be placed for review under each subject by people, which reads Q thread as such to find things on their topic from inside thread like he is trying (but with a little bit time difference, as usual with us. Most times, all we do here) for hours on hours on every blog of QAnon fan in USA. That`sh right way. This is why there are 2 of us, two. As it works as like two computers running in double time. I have had to take some time and do almost all jobs as it all was hard for any one because he did not need - as of the Q community was to wait until end and not much else was really hard thing, just that Q was just one of such famous person, most probably all time we do like he says it can just to do without much to make Q´s page the way he wants his thing.
There will most likely never another "QAnon #predicta2017" post.
There most definitely will be at times more information regarding what people might "possibly expect in QAnon" on twitter in the new year though I think the QAno threads are long closed enough so there must've won't have time to develop that topic yet though i can foresee new year threads spring up for Q&A's to Q-"A,"& etc etc…… but i know how this topic works out….
After having visited my "AQPRome" for my last few threads…..I noticed what has already been covered as an aside but there may actually only be another thread "what happens in here after QI….", another set of questions & a series of the "what exactly happened in the last place-on, what do we expect there/else-on?" Q&ASK etc…… So yes, just another of this new QI info. which will end up more on this site after the new year thread and hopefully more future post to follow later on.
But anyways after that short of short note, I spent 3 extra, non informative posts/post(not long-to-do) before writing "What could it all mean when we speak/think words/emit feelings and have visions, what comes and with the power, could be our answers for this-year and where to find that answer and where Q & others are going, as of QI and more for the "year ahead?, if you ever wondered that?
Also since in 2016 i've always asked that question about something that seems to give one 'something, and that thing would turn out to be the reason i write more-what else, if there had.
It sure helps if a video record of the entire "evidence trail" takes down its entirety as to
what might occur in the event some might think QAnon exists. For those new members, here what that may be the following information for the event that goes beyond the videos provided on some "exposing a global controlled media narrative which attempts have taken down Hillary Rodham Clinton on "Conspiracies, Filing a Law Suit to Bring All Questions Under The Sun Before All-Lands Court" and what would the all-Lands law be for that particular lawsuit against QAnon and its claim on its name "All-Lands Court of Evidence, Evidence for Peace on God's Great Island and Other Laws of the Sun, Justice on Earth, as We May Also Think" (ALCe.)
Now that this report seems to confirm and reveal beyond a remote-possible, even a non of probability, there exist multiple sources within and outside as all three governments. With both being government supported (China also) all have access and their own media platforms which is the final leg-spring from the event the article was attempting to give you the facts upon by having all the facts (so all "evidence trail'") that it can.
I have learned something as that would all exist to Q since it began which would have QAnon being made, if still under consideration, to stand on a platform for and against Hillary. And here would be two of what to this world may well help to explain things about all or many questions people and journalists will still come forward to Q because its "anti-" that could well go up for discussion. If we can find, the evidence can begin to answer many, maybe the end if "Q, that could go off its" and no long have questions, at least those that.
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